Two exciting days in Portsmouth
Accompagnés de leurs enseignants, les élèves de la section européenne baccalauréat professionnel Métiers du Commerce et de la Vente se sont rendus à Portsmouth du lundi 5 au mercredi 7 décembre 2022.
Ce fut l’occasion pour eux, de découvrir certaines différences culturelles et en premier lieu les particularités culinaires de la Grande Bretagne !
Le groupe a arpenté les rues de Portsmouth lors d’un escape game.
Puis les élèves se sont rendus dans le centre commercial Gunwharf quays afin d’y étudier les techniques de ventes et d’accueil anglaises.

Les élèves rendent compte de leur séjour :
“With the Euro class, we went to Portsmouth from the 5th to the 7th of December with Mr Gaubert and Mrs Gillard.
On Monday 5th December, we had to meet in front of the school at 6.10 am in order to arrive at 7.30 am at the ferry in Ouistreham.
The ferry left at 8:30 am and we played, slept, ate and did several activities before arriving in Portsmouth at 1:15 pm. We headed straight to the Cascades shopping center where we left to find our accommodation. Once we arrived at the hotel, we dropped our luggage and went out to find a place for dinner. We returned directly to the hotel after the dinner. We knew to shower and to discuss a little among ourselves before going to bed.
The next day we went back to the city to visit a little bit of the place, we went next to the sea, we went to an arcade and then we went to a fish and chips for lunch. We finished the day by going to the Gunwharf Quays, it’s a kind of commercial center with several brand stores that surround a beautiful place. On the way back we stopped to eat at the mcdo before going back to the ferry. We slept all the way back to Ouistreham.
It was a great experience and we would like to thank our school for organizing this trip.